Sunday, September 10, 2006

My Date with a Trailer...

People are always get themselves into trouble. Be it at home, in life crisis, at work, or anywhere...

Let me use this blog to document the accidents that i've got into... (so i wont forget in future... hehehe)
NO. its not the 'shotgun' accident.
It the real accident.

People who know me knows that i ride. Yup! I ride.
And to this day, i maintained that riding is a safe of travelling. Accidents happened are usually caused by people. The people who cannot handle the vehicle, regardless whether its a car, bike, van, bus watever....

So far, i think i've got into into accidents that are caused by my carelessness.
And after each accident, i would have this review sessions of "what ifs" running thru my mind...

Let me start from the latest which happened yesterday.

Travelling to Clelemti Station, exiting PIE towards Ave 6, saw a long trailer on right line (one lane). Decide to overtake from left. Sped up, and before i knew it, trailer starts to go left. OH NOOOO! sqeezed in between curb and the trailer... and slowly, i saw that the trailer's metal railings pass by my face (literally abt 4 inches away)... and i anticipated the accident which was about to happen cos i knew any part of the trailer that touches any part of my bike can make me fall. And it HAPPENED! The trailer's other trailing metal sides hits my handle bar. Apalagi... i wobbled, controlled (balanced on) my bike and i skidded on the extreme left lane. Trailer went on, bike skidded and a black matrix (lady driver) stopped a distance away from me...

hehehe... wat to do next?
well... I raised my hand (say sorry for road hogging) stood up, carried up my bike and pushed my bike to the road side. Dazed for a few seconds before the mind starts to think again.
So, i removed my helmet and jacket, called tow truck and examine damages on bike.
Once that done, then i start to examine myself...
ya ya ya... easier said than done. How to examine self first! the brain is the one doing the thinking..
the body just follow lorrr...

Found that i got very minimal scratches, jacket hancur, especially the right shoulder area.
but i'm fine, just minor scratches on palm and elbow and abrasions on the right side of my thigh.
and i tored my pants, causing the abrasion.

i then walked all the way to the station, got a new set of uniform, and got ready for briefing.
Syukur... still alive and kicking.

Lesson Learnt (this time round)

Jangan gatal dan action terror.
Take it easy on the road.
Dont be complacent.

The mehanic apek was surprised when i told him its a trailer that i got into an accident with...
Yesterday, luck was on my side... next time, who knows...
The cost of the accident this time round? $70.00.
The cost of the pain thereafter? wow!... you have no idea. hehehe...

The questions of what ifs
... i got under the trailer's back wheels?
... the trailer whacked me to the left?
... i was faster?
... i horned. would the driver have heard?

whatever it is, it happened. mistakes are meant to be learned.
make it (mistakes) while you can and learn from it. (not recklessly lah...)
I really guess i was really lucky. and I thank God for it.

I hope that i wont get into accidents when i get myself a car...
but for now... lets keep on hoping (getting the car, dat is)... hehehe

ps... probabaly i can talked about the rest of the accidents in my future postings

The Taxi
The Turn (Hougang)
The Second Turn (Mt Pleasant)
The Blind Drive (Australia)
The Chain Blip (McRitchie)

Monday, September 04, 2006


Life is funny isn't?

That's what i thought so.
It has its ups and downs. Like a road full of humps.
What you plan doesn't always turn out as perfect as you imagine it to be.

What do make out of it?
Do you make do with it?
What if it totally didn't match (with your planning)?
or suddenly it just turn haywire?

well... i have experience those times (perhaps more to come? i'm still young anyway),
those are the trying times when you just wanna give up...

thinking its the end of the road.
You lost it!
You lost the plot!
And you think that everything like comes crashing down...
you feel like migrating elsewhere...
a place where nobody recognise you...
just to start afresh.
the Shame, the feeling of Defeat. the Failure.
Well... all is not lost.

Time heal all wounds (yes!)... but the scars still remains.
We will learn to pick up the pieces slowly,
we will learn to mend(lick) our wounds and
we will learn to carry ourselves.
But I'll bet with you, along the way, we will start to discover ourselves.
our New self.
We will gain the Confidence.
We will be Strong.
And we will know that the things that dont kill us, will make us even stronger...

We must be strong mentally.
We must push on. Things happen for a reason.
The reasons may be known or unknown to us...
but wat really matters is how we cope.

You must never blame yourself.
Come on, give yourself a break.

You must support yourself first before you can help or
support others.
Sharing is important.
Knowledge or experience that you come across may or can help someone else in the same situation.
Share it.

I took solace through the company of friends, and a new found hobby. Photography.
I began to appreciate the small things in life.
I began to smell the air. To stop and enjoy the feeling of the moment.

Loneliness will come and set in at times. But dont let it stay. Let it pass.

Nobody says its gonna be easy when you're down and out. But hey, if you dont help yourself, who will?

No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start now and make a new ending.

If you guys have been reading... good. this is a blog... so just appreciate the story. No questions please.
Anyhow... know this place? its somewhere in S'pore.
Beautiful aint it?