Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ibn Battuta - 1st part

Ibn Battuta Mall is a shopping destination unlike any other. It is themed around the travels of renowned 14th century Arabian explorer, Ibn Battuta . The architecture within the mall’s six courts reflects the most influential places Ibn Battuta travelled during his time, providing mall visitors an invaluable glimpse into the past. (taken from ibn battuta website).

I'm taken aback when i see the buiding from outside. its such a mammoth building. and i'm even more astonished at the internal architecture. The way the building is built, they really focus on the delicate design of the origin. The carvings are REAL! you can see mosaic, marble, fountain etc. All in real life size! Imagine the money they spend on building this building. Its so colurful and huge and sometimes i'll find myself standing and staring at the high ceiling to admire the architecture... See the pictures for yourselves!

Here is Greg, the South African guy who is the tour guide for the mall. He tells me histories of Islam and the travels of Battuta, but the best i knew about him was that he is Christian! Imagine a christian telling history of Islam to a Muslim...

This is what you'll see out the Eygpt Court - All the themed portions of the mall has its own designs. And i tell you, this architechture is at least 5 story high!

This the interior of the mall, complete with skies, buildings and trees...


Blogger Jabz said...

fuyooo !!! manyak Busat lorr the center..

9:43 PM, August 31, 2006  
Blogger Its_me! said...

eh... quiet sad when i realised i lost my Dubai cd, 2nd portion... been searching for it sey... got a feeling aku terdelete. nampak gaya nak kena pegi Dubai lagi ni...

1:54 PM, September 04, 2006  

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